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why horses?

Horses have thrived for centuries and continue to adapt and survive in an ever-changing environment The horse is a herd animal where a dominance hierarchy is always established and the sole objective of the herd is to maintain unity and harmony.


By their nature, horses are conditioned to seek out confident and trustworthy leaders. They have a unique ability to sense emotions and intentions through our body language and mirror our internal non-verbal emotions (e.g. confidence, fear, anxiety, assertiveness etc.).


Horses provide non-judgmental feedback and a dramatic view of how our leadership skills and teamwork measure up. In the past decade, horses have been included in a range of therapeutic human service contexts, including counselling and social services.


They teach valuable lessons in teamwork and leadership dynamics.

- Trust and Authenticity: Horses demand trust and authenticity, a vital trait for corporate leaders.

- Effective Communication: Non-verbal cues teach clear and concise communication. These lessons can be directly translated into corporate team dynamics and leadership roles

- Teamwork and Leadership Dynamics: Equine programs reveal insights into corporate team dynamics and leadership.

Corporate leadership training with horses
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